I’ve been very neglectful in updating the blog lately. I don’t know if I have been too busy or just
not very motivated. Either way, there’s
a good bit to tell.
We finally left Kuching.
We took a day or two to leave the river and get our sea legs back and
then we made the 4 day trek across the South China Sea to Tioman Island. For the first time ever, I was the only one
on the boat not sick. Andy caught some
sort of bug just as we left Kuching that put him down for a day or two and Jake
got dehydrated and just a bit seasick. I
had on my trusty patch and ended up actually reading a few books on the
passage…something normally unheard of. I
didn’t come out completely unscathed though.
A nasty side effect of this patch is blurred vision. A small price to pay for keeping my food
down, in my opinion.
This little guy did most of the crossing with us. Unfortunately, I found him belly up in the cabin on one of my night watches (I swear I did not step on him!) |
These are the kinds of things you have to watch out for around here. This actually marks a fish trap. |
Tioman Island is a small island on the east coast of
peninsula Malaysia that was touted as “one of the most beautiful islands in the
world” in some publication years ago, a phrase they use on all of their advertisements. I don’t know if I would go that far, but it
sure was a welcome change from the crocodile infested rivers we’ve called home
for the last few months.
It’s a pretty common stopover for cruisers heading across
the sea both ways as its one of the three duty free islands in Malaysia.
Duty Free = cheap beer/wine/booze.
It’s also got pretty good snorkeling, decent
beaches (although they appear to be filled with sandflies), and a genuine laid
back atmosphere.
It’s not yet overrun
with tourists, but has enough to bring in a few good restaurants and give
locals a reason to tolerate some of our western ways.
But not all… you see it’s mostly muslim and
while they do capitalize on the tourism, there are some things they just can’t
give way to.
For example, Andy and I saw
the most unique sign (for our western ways) at the local shopping center.
You know those signs with pictures and then
the circle and slash through it to say ‘no this’ or ‘no that?’
We saw one with four pictures on it…
If you went to a beach in Florida and saw those signs, I’m pretty sure
most people would go home!
We got a kick
out of it as it’s another reminder of how our cultures are so different.
I told Andy, I’m too old to prance around
town in a bikini anymore, I can’t afford the calories of the ice cream, and
well, we prefer to drink our alcohol and smooch in the privacy of our own home.
So we’re good….no issues here.
There was one major difference in our ways that we thought
might cause more of a stir for some of the crew.
There is no Halloween here.
Jake’s grandparents sent him the greatest
costume and he has almost worn it out getting ready for Halloween.
He loves to dress up…it’s actually a daily
It doesn’t matter what…dinosaur,
dragon king (his own creation), pirate, Obi wan Kanobe.
His costume this year…vampire bat (and very
appropriate I might add – there are THOUSANDS of fruit bats just outside the
marina here).
Surprisingly though, the
idea of no trick or treating didn’t cause that big of a disappointment.
Jake decided that we would make a haunted
house on the boat.
And at the end, I
would hide his candy and he would find it.
He even “visioned” us sitting in a circle around the pumpkin telling
ghost stories.
Simple enough.
So we spent all week making decorations,
carving pumpkins and planning how to scare “the poop” out of each other.
At the end of the night, he declared it one
of his “top 3” Halloweens.
I’m not sure
he remembers them before age 6, but we’ll let that slide.
Our little vampire bat! |
He wouldn't smile because he was trying to look scary. |
Andy and I were talking about how lucky we were to have a
kid that can adapt so easily to whatever is thrown at him.
I don’t know how much of it is lifestyle and
how much of it is just personality, but I do think living on a boat and making
do with what you have contributes greatly.
Our next challenge will be Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I asked Jake what he wanted for Christmas.
He said instead of writing Santa a letter
this year, he was just going to let him decid what he should bring Jake.
With no commercials, advertisements or
catalogs to look at, I do believe my 9 year old has run out of things to ask
We’ll spend a few more days here and then we’re off towards
the mainland. Lots to do…visit
Singapore, meet up with old cruising friends in Penang, high tail it to Thailand to haul
out (along with a thousand other boats)…I’m tired already thinking about it.