We've had some highs and lows this past week or so...
The lowest part of the week was when I received an email from Andy telling me that three of his coworkers were shot and killed by an Afghan security guard. He was a bit shaken up as they were great guys and they worked fairly close together. I can't imagine what their families must be going through. So I ask anyone reading this, that you keep the families of these guys and all of the guys and girls over there in your thoughts and prayers. This one hit a little too close to home for me.
More time with Jett....making brownies. |
The highs of the past two weeks were numerous. Jake went to Vacation Bible School with his friend Arlie. They learned about a mechanism called LifeStraw that purifies drinking water. The church was trying to raise money to buy these devices for the people in Africa. Well, the kids didn't think they raised enough through the offerings so they decided to have a lemonade stand to help. They ended up selling enough lemonade to buy three LifeStraws (about $60)!
These movers gave the kids the jump start they needed. |
I took Jake to his first minor league baseball game! He had his first cotton candy (thankfully and surprisingly, he didn't like it) and he came home with a foul ball (notice I didn't say he caught a foul ball).
Fun at the Tides game. |
Balloon man made Jake a snake. |
Early this week, Jake and I went to Washington DC to visit a few of the Smithsonian Museums. We saw the Natural History Museum, the Air and Space Museum, and then we went to the new add on to the Air and Space (I have no idea what it's called) out by Dulles airport where we saw the Spaceshuttle "Discovery," the Concord, numerous WWII planes, The Spirit of St. Lous, and too many others to count. Remember the Pegasus rocket we found on the beach in the Marshalls? We're pretty sure we saw that there too.
While in DC, we also spent some time with one of Andy's old high school friends and her two kids. Jake had a blast and it was nice for us to catch up as well. I'll tell you what, though....I am exhausted. I need to go back to the boat to get a break from my vacation.
Remember Chili Dog? |
We go back to California tomorrow morning and will stay there a bit longer before heading back to Pohnpei. I've been trying to think of something to write to keep all you boaters interested (if yore still reading) but we've just been so busy, I haven't had a chance to put all of my thoughts down. I can say it has been an eye opener for me to spend so much time back in the states. It really puts things in perspective (in more ways than one) and makes me appreciate all that we have and what we've created in our little bubble out there on our 40 ft island. The time with family and friends has been so nice, there aren't even words to describe it. I've never felt so welcome and loved. But I miss Andy terribly and am looking forward to things winding down.
BUT...not just yet....more to come from Sunny California!