Sunday, September 26, 2010

9/23/2010 - Party Party Party

We’ve had lots of activity going on lately.  Jake has had a few kids to play with.  He had a swim date on Ceilydh, birthday party on Third Day, and tonight is the full moon party here in La Mona.  The kids have been great.  Jake is by far the youngest and he’s the only boy under 12.  The girls have taken him under their wing and are careful to include him in everything they do.  They even volunteered to be his teacher one day!  He came out and said “Mommy, I’m tired.  TOO MUCH school.”  I think they progressed him all the way to first grade in that one afternoon.  At the birthday party he went to, they found out it was his birthday too (among 3 or 4 others) and a few of the girls put together little presents of candy and paper for him making him feel really special.  He even had presents and a cupcake with his name on it from Zada.

The full moon party tonight is the second one so far.  It’s a pretty neat concept…all of the boats in the area come and anchor in a predetermined spot (one with a lagoon).  On the day of the full moon, we all get our floaties and just when the tide is about to go out, we go inside the lagoon and ride our floaties out with the tide.  Some people get really into it and make their own floaties.  There are prizes given to the most creative.  After a little floating and a little swimming, everyone goes back to their boat and cleans up, naps, whatever so that we’re all rested for the potluck on the beach that evening.  We had a great time at the last one and Jake is counting down the hours until high tide today.

We also had a chance to meet some folks who follow our blog who were getting married down here in Bahia LA.  Congratulations to Mike and Stacy.  We really enjoyed meeting them and wish them all the best… and thanks for the margaritas!  Hopefully our paths will cross again some day. (By the way Mike, if you get a chance we would love a copy of the pictures you took!)

We’ve been really watching the weather lately.  Georgette just went through south of us.  Luckily it had lost most of it’s umph before it hit the sea, but it gave us cause to think about whether or not we should start heading south so early.  The jury is still out.   In the meantime, we’re checking routes, reading guide books and gathering information from fellow cruisers who have “been there, done that.”

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